Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The Mountain.

Mom: Wanna want to tell me about Korea

Sedona: Korea is an awesome place
Pepper: Waaa!  I don't want to tell you anything!
Wheeler: Meow, meow.

Sedona: We are playing cat, or at least Wheeler is suppose to be the cat.
Wheeler: Pepper cat and you cat mama, and I am a horsey and you are a horsey mommy and baby.

Mom: Come and tell me about Korea
Pepper: I don't want to!
Mom: why not?
Pepper: Fine.  I like Korea.  That is all! Or I should have put I.
Mom: nothing else?
Pepper: Fine! Fine!

Mom: Tell us about going up to the mountain.
Pepper: Fine, I will tell you about that.
Mom: Just a minute
Pepper: FINE!

Sedona:  going up the mountain I like to look for things, like pretty flowers and cool sticks. One time I found a root that was shaped like a fairy cane.  Mom said 'maybe fairy live around here' and all of us just laughed.

Pepper: What? You found a stick?

Sedona: I found an L shaped root that looked like it had flames so I gave it to dad because his name starts with an L and he likes flames.  Up the mountain is one of my favorite places in Korea cause we can get away from Koreans and it is almost just like hiking in America.  But when the Koreans pass it is still like 'oh pretty, you are so cute', but in Korean though.

Mom: Wheeler tell me about the mountain

Wheeler: I am going up and I fall down. and I get owie, gosh!  Hummm...whats that mama?  I climb up the mountain.

Pepper: I just saw daddy go into the parking lot, so he will be here any minute.

Mom: Wheeler tell me about the mountain.

Wheeler: I go to the mountain and got my baby Pepper, my baby Pepper.  Where's an airplane? (and he goes to our balcony).

Pepper: Well the mountain was a great place and I loved it because it has stuff we can play with..

Wheeler: MOM!  It's rain.

Mom: Why don't you get dressed.

Wheeler: I like clothes and trucks. This pants and princess.

Pepper: and the mountain was a very quiet place.  And it had very much to do for me.  and-a that is all.

Mom: ok Thanks guys.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


Mom: Wheeler tell me about Christmas
Wheeler: Christmas?  Um..thank you. i opened this one, please. I am big.
Mom: Tell me about Christmas:.
Wheeler: Um..see it mom, socks Christmas mom.  Har har. Wow!
Mom: Ok, are you ready to tell me about it now?
Wheeler: Watched TV. Merry Christmas
Mom: you watched TV, what else
Wheeler: Watched TV. Christmas
Mom: did you do anything else on Christmas? What else
Wheeler: Um.... Christmas, up and down.
Mom: What did you get for Christmas
Wheeler:  Like this one "Ho! Ho! Ho!" 
Mom: What else
Wheeler: A Christmas car, har har, I like it.  um..and this one here (he is eatting yogurt with no toys around).  Look Mom, see a Pepper.  Christmas car..yes!  Um...Christmas car water for Christmas. 
Mom: anything else?
Wheeler: Yes mom.
Mom: What?
Wheeler: umm..Yes, yay, yaayy (laughing).
Mom: Is that it?
Wheeler: YES! (like duh mom, yes!)

Mom: Pepper tell me about Christmas.
Pepper: Well, the book we were reading was about this cow and she was dancing one night at Christmas night and she fell into the sidewalk in the house, and I think it was a Doctor that came and said that we need to pull her out of the ground, in the book.  And they pulled and she wouldn't come out and then the dad said, and then they invited a whole bunch a animals and they pushed. they tried and tried to push her out, but she wouldn't come out. One of the dads said 'I will go get my John Deere tracker', and minute I need to go potty...
OK...he tied her to a rope and he started the tractor and pulled with all his might, but she wouldn't come out, and there was a problem with that. She was in the space where the Christmas tree was suppose to be. and then she said 'There will be no Christmas tree this year' and all the little ones cried.   Then a little calf came with a big star with a hook on it to hang on a tree, BUT instead of the tree, it was a cow, and he hanged it on her tail and the grown ups where like 'maybe we should hanged ornaments are her too!'  So they all hanged Christmas lights on her. And then they stacked presents under her feet, then when it was over a calf had gotten a powerful chainsaw, and in 25 seconds her feet where out of the ground, but she said "I will stay here for now, I like being your Christmas tree".  And now every day, the Grown ups went home for Christmas they would see a special Christmas tree in there house, full of decorations, with two stars on her hooves. ... Mom, I almost said "in the name of Jesus Christ Amen."  

Now, I am going to tell YOU, hey that is site word, about my Christmas, but about what I got, not what I asked for, but better then what I asked for.  And this Christmas, Santa, only brought us one gift, or me and Sedona, but we get to open them, but the whole family owned it. He gave us Chocolate, and I was opening mine, and Sedona was shutting hers, so I shut mine and I put it upside down, and inside of hte Chrocolate falling out a ticket came out. And MINE, that I opened there was a ticket, that Santa said we could have um...dinner and um....and what is it called. Ice Cream...I mean't write that.  And in Sedona when she figured it out, she looked at...and mom said...what is in yours Sedona (mom interupes: Sedona wants to tell what is on hers, is that OK?)  Yes, so Sedona took hers out.  So for Christmas I asked for a little chick, but I didn't get it because only one gift Santa brought.  But my mom and dad got me something even better! A make-up set, but non all the make-up was there, half of it was my sisters, She bought it for me at a place called Home Plus. That is where we went Shopping for Christmas. And that is it Mom.

Mom: Sedona Tell me about Christmas

Sedona: *Big Sign* Lets see.  OK, For Christmas this year, probably the best Christmas.  Because we got to spend it in do you always put the um? (mom: because that is what you said).  OK...What do you want me to talk about?  Oh yeah.  Because we got to spend it in Korea and I got to spend it with my family, and I got some pretty cool presents this year.  I've wanted, I've always wanted a watch and my Aunt Pam got me one for my birthday, or last Christmas, I don't remember, but whenever I would keep it on a lot it would change the time by itself.  so this year my mom and dad bought me a watch.  Oh yeah, and by the way.  Um...those cards that Pepper was talking about, the tickets, they..we got two chocolate bars like she said, and the one that I ticket, the ticket was to our home plus, which is basically our supermarket.  The Home plus play place, which I don't even know if I can go, I might be to old.  And this year I am homesick, defiantly, definitely home sick.  So,   I don't know.
Mom: That's it? That is all you want to tell us about Christmas?
Sedona:  I guess yeah.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

The Heat

So what do you think about the heat and humidity?

Pepper: Oh! I don't like it. Umm...I don't like, um, its always like most nights its not cold and I just dropped my spoon, no mom! Don't write that.  I think that if it is cold then it is kind of hot or it is raining bad.  I am serious.  Holy Moley this is a big load of pancakes!

Sedona:  It gets SO hot here!  It gets hot here.  I don't know. 

Wheeler:  Asks me in Korean *where is it?* 
Mom: Any thing else?
Wheeler: Shakes his head no.

Mom:  Anything else?

Pepper:  You know what mom?
Mom: What?
Sedona: that is so funny?
Pepper:  I want to say something.
Sedona:  I said 'you know' for both yes and no.
Pepper: I know som'thin I want you to write.  All the people her recognize us and touch our hair.  They give us candy.  Even at Shipwreck park, they even gave Wheeler 5 bucks to give wheeler candy and ice cream just because he was cute.  But my dad put the money in HIS wallet instead.
    Here, guess what?  All the people recognize us and they say hello in Korean in the little kid way.  They say Aong-Yong all the time.  All the people at shipwreck part notice us too. Even some girls that were on the stage that were going to do belly dancing, it looked like, they even camed up and they give, they asked us if he would be his wife...I think one time one of the girls, um, gave us, I mean Wheeler, even they asked him if they could marry him. 

Sedona: There is this one kid in my class, he looks exactly like another one in my class, but he has glasses and the other one doesn't.  But the kid with classes is like a baby.  He's like the baby of our class.  It will be like quiet and all of a sudden you will hear someone scream!  and sometimes, which is him screaming, and sometimes it will be quiet and all of a sudden you will will hear someone scream cause he is smacking another kid on the head with his notebook, on the girls head.  Does that make sense?  He is just crazy.  Like on this trading day (where the kids took little toys in to trade with each other) I was watching him and he was just walking around in the middle of the classroom with his hands in his pants!!  and when he cries (shakes head frustratedly) it is so loud! It will be quiet and then you hear a scream like 'aaarrraaahhh'!
  There is this other boy in my class who looks almost like Cameron (Sedona's cousin), but his head is a little more round.

Mom: sorry time to take a shower!
All picture comments were made by Pepper.

Well, this is a picture I took on my camera.  I thought these lights were crazy! They look kind of funny to me for some reason. 

Wheeler: Yeah, Ok.  
Mom: What did you think of it,.
Wheeler: Umm...Appple.  Awesome.
Mom: What else?
WHeeler? Ummm..awesome
Mom: Again? Awesome?
Wheeler: Yay! Awesome again.
Mom: anything else?
Wheeler: Yay.
Mom: What?
Wheeler: Umm....awesome.

This penguin picture that I took, since mom took one of us, I decided to take one of them, and mom is doing the same thing I did in her picture.  Sedona is pretending to be kind of like my mom is, well actually she is pretending like she is as short as the penguins.

This picture I thought was really cute, since the little girl is sitting in the rocking chair is really cute and stuff like that. and all the pretty flowers and stuff, but my mom, I almost took of everything, but my mom said, just take pictures of what you think is good, so I just picked a few.  

I think that the art show was cool.  I don't have that much to say. 

I think that art show was kind of awesome, but well there was like a little tv, well actually I think it was awesome, but the TV that showed up a whole bunch of art all over again, but one thing taht was cool was the tv would show the shadow of you in it and stuff like that. 

Mom: anything else?
Pepper: If you want me ta.
Mom: Ok, go ahead
Sedona says: can you tell this is a little girl?  Um...the sunny side circles are like two little ponytails and then the redish thing by one of the sunny side circles is a bow and then the two smaller ones by the square are her legs.

Pepper: actually that is all.  Well also at the art show there were cartoon things, they were magnets and there was this board you could stick the magnets on and mom was helping me and you were able to make one move of a magnet to make it like a story and after you move that one piece of magnet move then they would take a picture, like ten pictures, and then you would do it again and over and over and over and over until it was done. 
This is what I made and this is kind of like a wall and you can walk through the middle of it.
And also at the top where the square is, that is kind of like the chimmney and the triangle on top is kind of like the top, like if it was a house. 

Wheeler crying from the other room
Sedona: (Sedona in other room) Well what did you think would happen?
Pepper: What did you do?  Mom can you help peel this orange, it is not turning out very well.
Wheeler comes to mom: mommy!
Sedona following him: I am sorry.
Pepper: Sedona what did you do?
Sedona: he wouldn't get out of the way so I folded the bed up on him. 

Well, This one was what I was talking about on one of the other things, and I made this, and I made this and she is jumping and she is going to jump until she is over his head, but the watering can. 

 This is what it looked like on the computer after we took a picture of it. 

Moms over view. 
Lucas made a friend with a Korea and he took us to a neighboring town to visit a children's art exhibit. 
I am pretty sure each artist was an illustrator for a children's book, and after each artist's section they would have a hands one section for the kids to explore. 
There was a 3D TV showing a short movie, a circle room with lights so it looked like your shadow was a giant walking through the scene that had been painted on the wall, one was a place you would place your worries on a sticky note and stick it to the wall.  There was a really cool place where you could make your own Stop motion cartoon, by moving magnets on a board and taking pictures of them we made cartoons--about 5 seconds of (badly done) cartoons took 5-10 minutes.  

Mom says: There was a place to put your piece of art and take a picture of it, so that you become a featured artist!  

Jeju Island

The Jeju Island trip!

Mom: Tell me about our Jeju-do trip.

Well,  Jeju is a place that is an island in Korea, but on Jeju there are waterfalls, two waterfalls. One leads from rocks into the ocean.  Ouch. Wheeler!!
Well, At Jeju-do on the boat ride there we stayed there for hours on the boat and since it was down low I was at least getting a headache.  One the trip back we were on the higher floor because there was two seats.  There was one by the door where you can go outside cause, the deck, we were going 55 miles an hour, my Uncle Steve thought, but he wasn't sure, we were going 55 miles. But we, they, on the boat, they would let people go out on the deck while we were going 55 miles per hour.   

  And also, it was blowing like crazy out there.  guess what we had crackers, but two of them fell on the floor, so mom let Sedona do it first, and then me do it and we got to throw those crackers off the boat and when I let go of mine I thought it was on the boat, but I didn't see it on the ground and that was when it was windy.  And on the way back we were higher, and usually I getr higher and I usually get headaches, but since we were higher I didn't get a single headache.  What are you writing Sedona?
Sedona: This.  Mom?
Pepper: What
Sedona: mom put a period at the end of 'I don't know what to say', so you need this (points to an exclamation point she drew) at the end!
Wheeler: Tissue Please
Pepper: Yes Wheeler
Sedona: Hums happily
Pepper: sings 'be still my soul'
Pepper: in bathroom: Phew it stinks in here
mom: then spray some spray
Sedona: It smells like Jello to me
Dad: Put that on the blog!

Jeju-do is a cool little place. an island like Pepper said. we went with my aunt and uncle.  there is a waterfall we went to, it is called Jangbang falls (mom: I don't know how to spell that)  Just spell it like Jangbang mom!  Um we got to play in Jangbang falls.  No Wheeler, I am not a doggy.  Ok, I am talking!  and it was fun. Me and Pepper liked to find seashells. It wasn't that far from the ocean.  It would fall, have a teeny small pond and then go into the ocean. 
 So, too bad every thing we had to pay for. Um...and well...while we were at the falls my aunt Marinda, uncle Steve and my dad went to a cave, so they kinda left us, me, wheeler and pepper with mom.  And, a while later they came back and then we left to go to another hotel.  
The next day we went to another waterfall. We thought we could play in it, but it wasn't as cool as Jangbang falls, you couldn't even get that close to it.  Um, cause it was like a big lake, or river or something.  There was eels and ducks in it, so that was a little bit weird.  And there, while we were there, um...there was this big rock pile it looked like, but each stone they don't do this in....never mind...but the Korean would pray on a rock for a wish or something, and then they would set it on a rock stack or make a new one, so.

We had to take a bus to a place called Wangdo, to get a ferry to Jeju. The ferry ride here wasn't so good.  It was pretty long, but we got there alright.  We were only going to stay in Jeju for 3 days anyways.  And the trip back seemed shorter, I don't know why!  Umm....     I don't know what to say.

 this is some jeju water fountains

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Well there is lots of walkways in Korea.  And we have to wake up really early to go to school, we go to Korean school.

We walk to school everyday and today there was a big holiday and tomorrow is a big holiday too, and Chusuek.
Chusuek is a type of year, and every body doesn't have work or anything for 3 days.  Chuesuk is like a Thanksgiving day.  It is really fun.  Do you know what we are going to do?  We are going to go to...what is it called mom?  We are going to Ulsan on a train ride.  Last time we went on a bus, but it was too hard, last time we had to take 3 buses, it was really hard with me, sedona, wheeler and all our stuff, so this time we are taking a train instead.

We are meeting dad's friend over there, he was a missionary friend of dads and he lost track of him, but then a member of our church told dad about him and dad was like "NO WAY!"  Now it is the second time we are going to go visit him-and this time we are going for Chusuek! YAH!

Aunt Marinda and Uncle Steve are coming over.  They ARE coming over.  I bet when they come over we are going to have alot of fun. and guess what we, my mom went out one day to look at an apartment, and they are going to live on the highest floor, they 16th floor.  (MOM says:  we are borrowing an empty apartment while they are visiting).  One time guess what? The elevator goes lower then the stairs.  and two people can live on the apartment roof. (mom: did you go up there?)  No, but I can just see it.

My mom can't download pictures, like on Sedona.  So I can tell you about some strollers, well one stroller.

We bought a stroller and the person we bought it forgot to tell us something!  They should us pictures of the stroller and that the handles were ripped up, but they didn't tell us that the #2 was braked.
We figured it out one day while Sedona was at school.  Now it is kind of crappy.  We don't use it as much now. 

(Mom says:  We bought a stroller from a person off the Korean Yard Sale (a facebook group) and it was is worse shape then I had thought when we got it.  It fold downs small and it nice that way.  but you have to push two buttons #1 and #2 to fold the stroller down, and #2 button broke about a month after we bought it--we could have bought a "cheaper brand", but new stroller for the same price--should have done that!
I haven't posted much because the computer continues to tick me off everytime I use it!  Sometimes it works great, but most of the time it is overly frustrating!) 

Food and Buddha


Hi.  Its great in Korea.  There is always lots to explore and things to do, places to go, but my favorite part of Korea is having a different life. 

Korean food tastes weird.  Sometimes it is hard to eat Korean food.  My dad is fine with it, but I would much rather eat Aunt Pam's lovely dinners.  They taste delicious.  But as for Korean food, humm....I don't know. 

Two things I like and don't. 
1.  Holding Wheeler (he is sitting on my lap right now)

OK now for the real number 1. These are some of the foods I like:

1.   Dong Cassa: They are these meat patties that are pretty good and covered in seasoning.  Really good seasoning. 
2.  BimBimBop is really good too.  Its rice, mixed with other Korean vegetables. 
3. Ramen - speaking about ramen, my two favorite American foods were Ramen and Macaroni!  I miss macaroni and cheese.
4. Sea weed.
5. Meat: My dad cooks meat and we wash lettuce and we wrap the meat in lettuce, we also sometimes have rice with it and seaweed.  It is delicious!

Non-liking foods:

1. Kimchee: it is pretty much vegetables put together and have spicy sauce on it.
2. What else do I not like?  ummm...*big sigh* ...soup.  Mosts soups here I don't really like.  They have to much Korean taste.  I want American soup--come on guys!  Can't Koreans have a little bit of American soups, well I guess they do have a  few soups.
3.  I don't know. It is hard to think of a whole bunch of food.

Pizza:  Pretty much like American pizza.  I like potato pizza.  It is pizza with potatoes, not whole potatoes, but cut into slices, like when you cut an apple into slices, it is like that.  They put mushrooms on pizza, they also put corn on pizza, and they have pepperoni pizza, but it is more spicy, I guess some American pizza can be that spicy as well.   


Me and Dad went to a Buddhist Temple.  Pepper let me borrow her camera, cause she wasn't going to be with us.  As you can see behind that big statue thing I took the picture of-that looks like a big house-that's a part of a Buddhist Temple.  You have to take a --well--it is more of a road, but like a dirt road-wet dirt road. I kind of feel sorry for Buddha. WHy? I'm sorry for Buddha, because he was a good man and now Monks are like making money to see his temple, my dad kind of thought the same thing, I guess.

Things I know about Buddha
1.  I know that he was a great man.
2.  He taught people about meditation.

As you can see in this picture, he is meditating. 
That is Buddha as well. 
Anut mirinda and Uncl steve is comeing to kreoa!(thaer going to the buddhaist templ whith us!)
Sedona wrote the above sentence all by herself while I changed a diaper.

Ok my patience is to thin to continue right now-The computer is acting up, not the kids (well Wheeler is, but what is new!)